Wonderful Liguria

Location B&B Il Mirto in Imperia | Holiday Apartment Villa Villa Ida in Lingueglietta

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

Location B&B Il Mirto in Imperia

Mirto, Sole, Chiaro di Luna

Il Mirto, and the B&B SOLE and CHIARO di LUNA accommodations, can be reached by following the road that leads to the Imperia Hospital and continuing to climb following the signs for the hamlet of Sant’Agata.
Leave the road for Sant’Agata and turn left into via Fontanarosa continuing the climb without ever deviating up to the top where, on the large clearing you come across, the Casa Cantina of Tenuta Colle dei Bardellini will appear with Porto Maurizio perched on the sea as a backdrop.
Go alongside the estate on via Cason della Guardia and at the first crossroads turn left, 50 meters on the right.

Location | Holiday Apartment Villa Villa Ida in Lingueglietta

Villa Villa Ida

The VILLA VILLA IDA holiday apartment is located in Lingueglietta, a hamlet of Cipressa: from the town of San Lorenzo al Mare (Imperia Ovest motorway exit, direction France) just turn right following the clear and numerous road signs.
Once in the village you can park in the main square (Piazza S. Pietro) and then follow the alley on the right on foot to go down to Villa Villa Ida, at the end of the village.

Dove siamo B&B Il Mirto a Imperia | Appartamento Vacanze Villa Villa Ida a Lingueglietta

GPS Villa Villa Ida
43°52’03.0″N 7°55’57.9″E

GPS Sole and Chiaro di Luna
43°53’53.8″N 8°00’46.6″E

The best way to get to Il Mirto B&B

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